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By |June 22nd, 2003|Categories: Love Thru Time, Poetry|

CORE   Laying Behind you Kissing the softness Of your neck & back Loving you Wanting you From my core But peaceful with my passion Knowing I have lived my whole life Just to have


By |April 16th, 2003|Categories: Life Continues, Poetry|

THE KILLER   When I first felt love for each of them I knew They must die The voices in my head that ran me told me so It was Me or Them Pain will


By |March 20th, 2003|Categories: Life Continues, Poetry|

THE MUSE   The muse isn’t physically present anymore There was a time that I could simply look over at her... Her beauty, her darkness, her intensity Igniting instant fire in me from somewhere deep


By |February 7th, 2003|Categories: Love Thru Time, Poetry|

OBVIOUS   It’s obvious that you know what to do with me Walking down this well lit corridor Every shadow crystal clear No place to hide No reason to run I am vulnerable & open


By |January 15th, 2003|Categories: Love Thru Time, Poetry|

YOUR EYES   Your eyes own something in me Returning to you I saw them before anything else Haunting, beautiful, deep, intense I knew immediately they were owner's eyes They proved it quickly Owning That

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