Avada includes a blog shortcode you can use anywhere on the site!
This blog shortcode was submitted by Markus, one of our Avada users and now on our developing team! It just goes to show what an awesome community we have, everyone is willing to help & share ideas. Dont wait, be a part of the Avada community today!
CORE Laying Behind you Kissing the softness Of your neck & back Loving you Wanting you From my core But peaceful with my passion Knowing I have lived my whole life Just to have
THE CHILDREN THAT RAISED ME It is life It is the way it works The only child left (DAMN YOU JAY, you checked out Knowing you couldn't handle this...) The single grrl child The
THE KILLER When I first felt love for each of them I knew They must die The voices in my head that ran me told me so It was Me or Them Pain will