June 2021
GRATITUDE Sometimes In the quietness I feel it all bubble up Rising to the surface With unstoppable Relentless Force I no longer try To choke it down Push it away Cover it up I don’t
THE KIND OF SOFT The kind of soft That awakens Every cell and Opens my Shielded senses Baring all The kind of soft That warms To the touch and Melts my Every edge In an
OUT THERE The quiet Still & Infinite Holding The scene Together With divine Timing Arrays of Lighting bursts Flashing One after another Across the sky Throwing Luminous streams In, out and through The dark clouds
QUIETNESS Seeking quiet I hear you Whispering Seeking light I find you Glimmering Seeking love I feel you Breathing Seeking clarity I see you Smiling Out of the Corner Of my eye I barely Notice
MISSING AGAIN The tenderness I feel for you Is so deep My heart Is filled With Softness Longing Vulnerability I never imagined I could miss You More than I missed you Before The missing of
ASKING I ask because I don’t Want to do Anything That impacts You Without your Permission I ask because You deserve Complete Free will And a say In your Life Always I may not Want